Days 49-51: February 21st – 23rd, 2017
Location: Johns Hopkins University Hospital – Baltimore, MD
This blog post is the third of a three-part series in which I received my diagnosis.
You can read Part I, here.
You can read part II, here.
Day 48: February 20th Location: Johns Hopkins University Hospital – Baltimore, MD
This blog entry is the second post of a three part series detailing how I received my CRPS diagnosis. To read Getting a Diagnosis Part I, click here.
Emergency room waiting rooms can sometimes present more stories in one day than an entire season of ER. There are also plenty of hospitals with quiet ERs. Sibley Hospital in D.C., where I just was, for example. Johns Hopkins is just too big to have a quiet ER.
Days 41-48: February 13th - February 20, 2017 Location: Potomac, MD
President’s Day is a holiday I’ve hardly paid any attention to in at least a decade. I’ve always worked on the holiday so it normally would just be a slower day at the office. That has all changed and President’s Day will forever have meaning to me.